I had to take a moment, then ask what he meant. "How do you do it day after day? How do you be a mother, a wife, a housekeeper, and still stay so happy?"

I proceeded to list off reasons why.
- My life has been defined by being a mom, being a wife, and keeping the family together, and while I wasn't given much choice in the matter, I choose not to resent it.
- I choose to see the happy moments in ordinary things, like watching my son learn to count on his fingers, and laughing when he dances with the broom.
- I told him that being a wife was no different now than before our son was born, and that while it can be stressful, I don't regret it. After all, things could be much worse, my life could have turned out much differently.
- Why shouldn't I be happy when I have a life filled with family and love? Etc...
As a child, I struggled with body image, like most chubby girls do. While my friends were all pretty and outgoing, I considered myself plain and was the shy, supportive one. My first crush (which lasted for four years through elementary school), rejected me at a dance once, and that's what sealed my deepest desire.
All I've wanted through life is to be happy with a man who loves me, and start a family.
Shallow for modern dreams, I know. Women are expected to want so much more these days, that the idea of happiness coming from settling down is almost embarrassingly under-achieving. However, I've achieved my deepest desire, and considering there are women who have everything but the family they wanted, suddenly that dream doesn't seem so minimal.
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